If you are a business owner and you are responsible for a parking lot, chances are the condition of the parking lot is going to be lower on your list of priorities than other things that keep your business up and running. Especially when everyone is just trying to keep their business afloat, your parking lot may have fallen by the wayside. However, the condition of your parking lot is one of the first things that current and potential customers notice. So, keeping the parking lot in good order says a lot about your business. Aside from maintaining the surface, filling potholes, and repairing cracks, you also have line striping to think about. Line striping, is the term for the parking lot lines and safety indicators painted onto the pavement of your parking lot. Today, we are looking at several reasons why line striping is important.

Maximizing Space

To start, line striping helps you to maximize the usable area in your parking lot. Have you ever been somewhere that did not have the lines painted for parking spaces? It is chaos. People leave huge gaps in between cars that are just small enough to not allow another car to park in between them but just barely. This means that the number of cars that can park in the lot at one time is cut by one third to one half in some instances. With proper line striping, more care can make use of your parking lot at any given moment, meaning more customer visiting your business at any given time.

Improved Appearance

A clean, well-maintained parking lot that is free of cracks and potholes and has clearly visible line striping is welcoming and vibrant. The fresh, bright paint against the asphalt makes a statement. It shows passersby that the lot and the business are cared for and well-managed. It makes a strong first impression with those who are seeing your business for the first time.


Perhaps the most important aspect of line striping is the added safety. Clearly designated parking areas and crosswalks give both drivers and pedestrians a clear path to follow. The safety indicators provided by directional markings, parking spaces, and intersections help to minimize the risk of collisions in your parking lot. And what is more important that keeping your customers safe?

Handicap Access

Hand-in-hand with safety is handicap access. Besides being common courtesy to provide handicap parking spaces, it is also a legal requirement according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. You need to make sure that you are providing enough spaces for handicap parking and that those spaces are clearly marked and visible.

In Conclusion

If you are in need of parking lot repair or fresh line striping, contact Hicks APC for all your pavement needs.